This carpet was sprayed with a stain removal product purchased from the supermarket that has unfortunately also removed the colour from the two-tone carpet at this home in Highton. We were able to remove all the foamy residues and dye the spots back to perfectly match the carpet surrounding each spot, giving it a beautiful…
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Carpet Colour Change Jan Juc
This light grey carpet in this Jan Juc holiday rental showed up every speck of dirt and spills, costing the owner time in chasing up bonds from renters, and money from frequent carpet cleans. By changing the colour to a darker brown, the room looked cleaner for longer, and gave it a comfortable and warm…
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Colour Restoration Lorne
Severe sun fade had affected the carpets in this home on the Great Ocean Road in Lorne. We corrected the colour first to match the rest of the carpet, and then went over the whole room with a beautiful, rich brown to bring it all together, giving it a flawless finish.
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Colour Restoration Torquay
Over time, carpets lose their colour, leaving them dull and lifeless. They can also look patchy in areas when the sun has reached. We were able to give this lounge room a rich new look that the owners were thrilled with!
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