This carpet was sprayed with a stain removal product purchased from the supermarket that has unfortunately also removed the colour from the two-tone carpet at this home in Highton. We were able to remove all the foamy residues and dye the spots back to perfectly match the carpet surrounding each spot, giving it a beautiful…
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Bleach Spot Repair Anglesea
The owner of this home in Anglesea was dismayed when the spray that they used to clean up a spill also removed the colour from their carpet! After rinsing thoroughly to remove all residues we were able to re-dye the spot to match the surrounding carpet colour, giving it a flawless finish and ensuring nobody…
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Bleach Spot Repair Aireys Inlet
Sometimes the tiniest spill of bleach can cause a large problem, particularly on dark coloured carpet! This spot was repaired with minimal disruption to the day of the owner of this home in Aireys Inlet, and returned their carpet back to pristine condition.
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